

Stay hungury, stay foolish

Change the export resolution of a PowerPoint slide

How to change the export resolution of a PowerPoint slide to be 1000 dpi? By default, the export resolution of a PowerPoint slide that you want to save as a picture is only 96 dots per inch (dpi), which is much lower than the 300 dpi required by most journal papers. However, you can easily change the default resolution setting to 300 dpi, or even 1000 dpi, using the system registry.

Eating & Drinking in the Netherlands

The Netherlands may not be Europe’s gastronomic epicenter, but the food in the average Dutch restaurant has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years, and there are any number of places serving a good, inventive take on home-grown cuisine. All the larger cities also have a decent assortment of ethnic restaurants, especially Indonesian, Chinese and Thai, plus lots of cafés and bars – often known as eetcafés – that serve adventurous, reasonably priced food in a relaxed and unpretentious setting. The Netherlands is also a great country to go drinking, with a wide selection of bars, ranging from the chic and urbane to the rough and ready.

Useful Dutch words in daily life

House words Dutch English gemeubileerd fully furnished1 gestoffeerd partly or soft-furnished2 kaal or ongemeubileerd unfurnished or bare3 de makelaar real estate agent te koop to buy te huur to rent beschikbaar available verkocht sold de vraagprijs the asking price de wijk neighborhood, district de buurt neighborhood, area het huis house het flatgebouw apartment house de flat / het appartment apartment de eenkamer / tweekamerflat a flat with 1 / 2 rooms de eengezinswoning a single-family home aantal slaapkamers quantity, number of rooms de tuin garden de verwarming heating de parkeerplaats parking lot de keuken kitchen de slaapkamer bedroom het toilet / de wc toilet de badkamer bathroom de inventarislijst the inventory list de waarborgsom deposit, guarantee de huurder the tenant, the renter de verhuurder the landlord/landlady de huurprijs the rental price de huurperiode rental period minimale huurperiode minimum rental period de ingangsdatum the effective date (for moving in) de einddatum end date, moving out date de periode van a period form betaalperiode paying period prijsklasse price range stoffering furniture kaart en streetview map and street view Laundry words Dutch English was wash/laundry wasmachine washing mechine voorwas pre-wash wasmiddel laundry detergent wasverzachter fabric softener katoen cotton synthentisch synthetic centrifugeren spin spoelen rinse kort programma short / express program kleur color wit / witte white zwart black kleding clothing / clothes Post words Dutch English brief letter pakket parcel bestemming destination gewicht weight aangetekend registered brievenbus post box postzegel postage stamp postzegelverkooppunt postage stamp selling point postkantoor post office pakketpunt package point Train words Dutch English trein train journey reis Vertrek Departure Aankomst Arrival Vandaag Today Nu Now Plannen Plan enkele reis single way 2e klas 2nd class abonnement subscription The house may have everything from pots and pans to a dishwasher.